
About Me

This blog is just one of several mechanisms I'm utilizing in an effort to improve scientific literacy in our community. I have an undergraduate degree in Aerospace Engineering from Texas A&M University (2007), a masters degree in Physics Education from the University of Virginia (2012), and am currently a high school Calculus and Engineering teacher in Fort Worth, TX.

I very much enjoy innovating the STEM (that is science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) classroom and am working on a few projects concurrently in that vein.

  • qCalculus is an online calculus resource I'm developing in python on Google App Engine
  • Keller Science Council is a nascent community organization I've founded to bring engaging science-related experiences to the community of Keller, TX

I'd love to talk about STEM stuff with you at any time so if you have any questions about the content of this site, or for me personally, send them my way!


Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth -

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